I would be quite the happy artist if someone looks at my art and feels something. Whether it's sorrow, glad, excited, or even indifferent. Someone saw the piece that I created and it is continuing to create beyond my paint brush as well. And there may be some pieces with certain messages as well. Those are always fun to throw in! 

1. are there any emotions or messages you hope to convey through your art? 

I honestly don't know most of the time if they are done completely and at their best potential. When I'm at a comfortable end spot with a piece, I will revisit it once a day probably to sit and stare at it till I can't envision anything else needing to be added. But once I do come to a completed piece I have never added on to a done piece. I'd probably always keep adding if I started to do that! 

2. how do you know if a piece is complete and do you ever revisit and add to a done piece? 

My favorite quote would definitely be from my favorite artist Salvador Dali. He once said "don't fear perfection, you'll never reach it".  Someone's imperfection is somebody else's perfect! Art is always in the eye of the beholder. An art piece may be perfect to someone's eye and not to the next person walking by. And that is ok. I hope my art touches everyone who is wanting to feel it! 

3. what is your favorite art related quote that resonates with you?

Q&A with Kaylee